Superheroes and Ice Water

I wish I'd gotten a picture this morning.  My boys--I mean all three of them--went out for a Superhero Walk.  Today it was Spider Man, Ice Man, and Thunderbolt Ross (played by Micah, since he was corralling the superhero squad anyway).  They went out to explore, fight villains, you know, boy things.  Cora was sleeping, so I worked on some things for my shop while they were gone.

They came back after just a short while chattering excitedly about their next mission.  They dug out disposable cups and filled a pitcher with water and ice cubes.  They were beaming when they left, talking about Daddy's great plan to rescue the groundskeepers and landscapers on campus.

My little squad of superheroes traipsed all over campus this morning taking cold water to anyone who was working outside.  It probably made them smile.  Maybe they really were thirsty.    But talk about making the boys feel like heroes...!  We were outside playing a little while later when a tractor rolled by with a couple of the girls in it.  Thomas pointed excitedly and shouted,

"Mom!  Those are the same girls we rescued!  We just helped them!"

I was so proud--both of my sons for being so excited about the plan, and of my husband for teaching them to think of others.  Lucky them, to have a real-life superhero to learn from.

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