I don't often post twice in one day, but I just had to follow up my last post with my thoughts at the end of the day. If you read between the lines, you know that--humor aside--today was a LONG day. My dad was perceptive enough (and probably experienced enough) to know that what makes for a funny post also makes for a challenging day. He said so when he called a few minutes ago, and I appreciated the sympathy and understanding from someone who's been there, even if I was the one causing the grief when it was his turn to parent. In the course of our conversation, he mentioned that Mom had been going through some of my old dresses this evening. She held up the dress I came home from the hospital in and asked if he remembered it. He said, "not to sound too old," but he remembered it well, and it seemed literally like yesterday that he was dressing me in it. It may be hormones, but I found myself getting a lump in my throat as he talked about just how quickly the years have passed. Maybe it was because it sounded like there was a lump in his throat. I looked at my newborn daughter who has spent the better part of today clamoring for my attention. I listened to my two-year-old who is still struggling to wind down after a busy day. I'm tired. I'm frustrated. Earlier today, I was tempted to think, "I just can't wait til they grow up a little more." What I needed most after a long day like today was a phone call from my Dad and a poignant reminder that these days are fleeting--how ever long they may feel at times!