That Mom

I remember reading a devotional several years ago written by a mom of young kids. She had just moved to a new town and her husband was busy settling into his new job. She described herself laying on the couch one day, absolutely drained, her three small kids running around like heathens, praying for the grace to go on. In my naive one-child ignorance I couldn't imagine being that way. "Pull it together,"I I thought, "it's just a move and they're just kids. Get out there and make some friends and get over it." Fast forward about four years, three kids, and a fast-paced move. I AM that woman. Today was that day. I don't know if my kids conspired, but today was largely one of those Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Days. I am spent, uncertain, unsettled, and desperately needing some peace. I wish I could remember the point of the devotional (and been a little less self-righteous at the time)! I know we will make it through this season just fine. Maybe it's not all bad for me to have to swallow my pride some on the meantime...

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