Classy Establishment

Today was another one of those simple pleasures days. After a fun day of games and crafts, the kids and I decided a classy supper was in order. We dressed up in ties and dresses, laid out our fanciest things to set the table, then put together our menu. We don't normally do the short order chef thing, so the kids were elated that they'd get to CHOOSE what they ate. Our fancy restaurant offered steak or sausage, brown rice or pasta salad, peas or corn, and an optional side of baked beans. Lest you think that sounds excessive, I have to add a disclaimer: it was leftover night. Part of the motivation for the restaurant was to rework leftover food and make it sound exciting. We lit some candles, put on a jazz record, and watched for Micah's return from work. The tiny mustached maitre d's met him at the door, led him to the table, and presented him with the menu. We had a great little meal, practicing how to be classy. Thomas insisted he was having the best sausage he'd ever tasted, and we assured him it was because he'd never eaten at a fancy restaurant before. They both told Micah that they were sure he didn't look quite classy enough for this restaurant in his work clothes, but decided to let the dress code slide this time. After supper, we had a family dance party. Henry suggested it, and we found classy music, like he asked for: Brian Setzer's swing album. Cora squealed and giggled through the whole thing. We took cool baths and then they fell asleep in the "big bed," another rare treat. What a fun, classy little evening.

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