Mother's Day is for All Types

After wishing me a "happy 'ther's day" and making me a great breakfast and card this morning, my boys decided they should be mommies too.  So Henry stuck a balloon under his pajama shirt and said, "Look, Mommy!  I have a baby in my tummy too!  Her name is Bouncy Baby."  He paraded around with his little belly sticking out before "Bouncy Baby" made her arrival into the world and snuggled with me.

A few minutes later, Thomas needed a baby in his belly too.  We tucked the balloon under his shirt and he marched around patting his little belly.  When we asked what his baby's name was, he said, "Muah, Muah" and walked around making kissing sounds.  He was very insistent that that was his baby's name.

I'm a little uneasy about my future grandchildren's names (and hoping they have wives with better naming sense than they have at 2 and 3), but I guess the bottom line is that Mother's Day is for all types of "mothers."  Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, present and future!

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