Man of Many Demands

Today Thomas and I ran some errands.  As I was driving, I heard a loud sneeze from the backseat.
Me:  Bless you, Thomas.
Thomas:  Ouch, Mommy!  Bit my tongue.
Me:  I'm sorry.
Thomas: Kiss better?
Me:  I'll blow you a kiss--ready to catch it?  There.  Did you catch it?
Thomas:  No.  Try again, Mommy.
Me:  *Sigh*  OK, here comes another.  Did you catch it that time?
Thomas:  No, Mommy.  Try again.
Me:  OK...  Here it comes...
Thomas:  Try again, Mommy.
Me:  Thomas, I give up.  You'll have to kiss your own tongue better this time.

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