
My day is full today, but I wanted to take a few minutes and record some of my favorite quotes from the kids, because I don't want to lose them in the hustle and bustle of the week.

Cora, handing me my brown leather sandals: Here, Mommy.  You wear your chocolate shoes today.

Thomas: Tonight at choir, we sang "Abraham Lincoln had many sons!"
Henry:  Um, it's Father Abraham.
Thomas: Oh, yeah.  Father Abraham...

Me, driving Henry home after the school called to say he was still sick: You need to go home and go to bed.  We need to kick this bug.
Cora:  We kick bugs, Mommy?  With shoes? I kick c'cadas?
Me: No, Cora.  Don't really kick bugs.  (Two-year-olds are so literal...)

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