Two Pictures

Two pictures from the past hour have managed to capture the heart of this day and this season.

Thomas snapped the first one of Cora and me while I was cooking supper. The kitchen's a little messy, I haven't done my hair or makeup, I'm sitting while I cook, and she's leaning up against me reading to me while I work. It's life right now and it's its own kind of beautiful.

The second picture I snapped when I turned around and looked out the window to see all three kids sitting together in the half-finished tree house. There's no ladder yet, so they had all helped each other up using a chair, a short ladder, and each others' arms. I have no idea what they were talking about, but they were deep in conversation about something.

Life is never all blissful, peaceful moments. But today I'm glad for two pictures that capture the beauty in the unfinished and the imperfect. Because that is where most of life is lived.

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