Prayer for the Weary Parent

Tonight after a somewhat challenging evening I sat down to pray about our family and home life. These words were tumbling around in my head, and I thought I would share them. I know we're not the only weary parents. This may be the prayer I pray when I'm too worn down to find any other words.

O Lord, we are broken, humbled, inadequate. We know too well where we fall short. We need your grace at every moment. Be always leading, always informing, always directing our parenting. Where we fall short--and sometimes I feel it's in the bulk of our role--may you make up the difference. May you cover our faults and make our guidance seamless. When there is turmoil, may you bring peace. When there is resentment, give us understanding. When there is discord, give us harmony. May our home be a place of peace, a refuge in the storms. May our days and our hours be marked by joy and laughter. Fill the quiet moments with deep conversations, and our lips with words that reach their hearts. May we be just one tool in shaping their souls, but may we be an effective tool. May we be their first glimpse of you, and may we embody you well. Give us the strength to let go, to give them room to test their wings. Give us faith to trust their own wisdom, and wisdom to trust your faithfulness to them. May they know always that we fight for them, and not against them. May they never doubt our love, no matter where life and choices lead them. And, Father, when it's all said and done we ask more than anything that they would bear not the image of us, but the image of you. Amen.

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