Mother May I?

Cora, as we were exercising per her request: Mom, can we actually play "Mother May I?"

Me: Sure.

Cora:  I'll be the mother.

Me:  OK.  Mother may I move forward two steps?

Cora: No.

Me:  Mother may I move forward one step?

Cora: No.

Me: Are you going to say yes to anything?

Cora:  If you ask if we may play a game.

Me: OK.  Mother may I play a game with you?

Cora: Yes!  Sure.

Me: All right, how about sequence?

Cora: Um, no.  It needs to be a game I can win.

That about sums up what it's like to play with Cora these days.  Bossy three year old girls are still hard to resist, though... 

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